EP Review: 10 Waves Of You – Sail

10 waves of you sail

Album Review: 10 Waves Of You – Sail

The soft sounds of the tide lapping against the shore greets us at the start of this album. Hardly surprising, with an album entitled Sail. While 10WOY’s 2015 album Fields Of Venus was a collection of space sounds, this album is unmistakably naval inspired.

Hailing from Vigevano, Italy, 10 Waves Of You is the solo project of Luca Crivellaro. It seems that I listen to as many one-man projects as I do full bands these days, and I can’t help but be impressed at the sheer skill and versatility that artists like Crivellaro exhibit.

Reminiscent of relaxing on a sailboat, this is music to have when you have nothing better to do than lie back and soak up some rays. “Sail” is the smooth neo-classical piano led introduction, and “South West Wind” contains more body. Soft piano playing upon gentle swells sets the relaxing mood. Some nice delayed guitar adds complexity whilst keeping it calm. The drumming is tight, with a short echoing tail.

10 Waves Of You Sail Will Not Fade

“Sunburst” ups the ante – ever so slightly – with more over driven crescendos and crashing cymbals – and “Round Window” follows suit by bringing in more rock components. The end of the last track almost sounds like whale song, with the slow whining sounds made by guitars.

Part of the attractiveness of this release is the deceptive simplicity of it all. It builds ever so slowly across all four tracks, but without resorting to crescendocore clichés. Delicate waves pile atop each other, slowly bringing in a tide of relaxing atmosphere. Contrary to the more aggressive and unnatural previous album Fields of Venus, Waves is calming and just floats along with tranquil excellence.

It is clear that Crivellaro has placed careful thought upon which tones to use to recreate the sounds in his head. Silky pads set the mood, high-pitched strings politely ask for your attention, and tight percussion binds the songs together. The sounds all layer and marry beautifully, inviting you to feel warm sunlight on your arms, taste salt spray on your lips and hear the distant cry of circling seabirds.

Clocking in at just less than 20 minutes, this album offers a small taste of lush textural brilliance. Serene and evocative, I can imagine it as the perfect soundtrack for a calm day on the sea. Crivellaro joins the ranks of incredible multi-instrumentalists who can single-handedly bring the music in their heads to life, and I thank him for it. Waves is one ambient work worth taking note of.

10 Waves Of You Links:

  1. Bandcamp
  2. Twitter
  3. Facebook
  4. SoundCloud
  5. Website
  6. Spotify


Joseph James

Photos: Jakob and Into Orbit at San Fran, Wellington



Jakob w/ Into Orbit and Hex

San Fran, Wellington

Saturday 19 November 2016


Into Orbit

Ian Moir – Drums

Paul Stewart – Guitar
Into Orbit Jakob San Fran Wellington Into Orbit Jakob San Fran Wellington Into Orbit Jakob San Fran Wellington Into Orbit Jakob San Fran Wellington Into Orbit Jakob San Fran Wellington Into Orbit Jakob San Fran Wellington


Maurice Beckett – Bass

Jeff Boyle – Guitar

Jason Johnston – Drums

Jakob San Fran Wellington November 2016 Jakob San Fran Wellington November 2016 Jakob San Fran Wellington November 2016 Jakob San Fran Wellington November 2016 Jakob San Fran Wellington November 2016 Jakob San Fran Wellington November 2016 Jakob San Fran Wellington November 2016All photos taken by Joseph James