Live Review: The Flatliners at Valhalla, Wellington

Flatliners NZ banner

The Flatliners
w/ Departure Party, No Sector and Dimestore Skanks
Valhalla, Wellington
Thursday 27 February 2025

Departure Party started the night off with his one-man folk punk crusade. His vocals reminded me a lot of Laura Jane Grace from Against Me!, especially the Heart Burns record I have, which is more of a solo affair. Heartfelt, impassioned punk vocals sung/shouted over acoustic guitar. Half way through the set he decided that he didn’t want to be onstage, and stepped down into the audience to continue without microphones. He consulted his notebook for a few moments before belting out his final few tunes under a single spotlight. It was a cool moment to create better intimacy, like when King Brothers had done the same thing at Valhalla a few weeks ago.

Next we had No Sector, the most hectic band of the night. Punk is a varied genre at the best of times. What do the Sex Pistols, Ramones and Clash have in common, sonically? Out of the four bands on the bill tonight, No Sector best fit my perception of what punk sounds like, with breakneck speeds and frantic venomous vocals. Later in the night Flatliners singer Chris Cresswell mentioned that he was surprised to see his old friend Leo in the band, who he’d worked alongside at his very first job and hadn’t seen in about a decade.

Dimestore Skanks always bring the party, and tonight was no exception. All seven members brought plenty of energy, skanking and shouting and generally having a blast. Dimestore have been a staple for many years now, and it was more than evident that they are well seasoned performers. They’d joke about being out of breath and unpracticed and in need of a break, but they sounded fantastic and had everyone dancing throughout their fantastic set.

Canadian punk rockers The Flatliners formed in 2002. This is their first time coming to New Zealand. That said, Cresswell also sings in Hot Water Music, who played here a few weeks ago. They’d been touring along with Hot Water Music in Australia, but I’d heard that seeing how this was their first time coming here, they wanted to come under their own banner to make up for the wait. They’d just played in Hamilton and Auckland, with Wellington being the last night of a long tour.

People were pumped for this show. Valhalla was packed. Looking around, it was mostly guys from late 30s to mid 40s, hairy in face and not so much in scalp. And a decent smattering of Canadians as well. It was mostly what I term the “Chicks That Scream” crowd – named after the promoters who usually bring the Fat Wreck style punk bands to New Zealand year after year. We saw people with shirts emblazoned with bands like Lagwagon, Strung Out, Hot Water Music, NOFX, Menzingers and the like.

The pit was heaving, swollen with sweaty bodies. A few songs in a woman edged past me to enter the fray. I was surprised – she was about armpit height and and entering a space of unspeakable smells and sensations. But she was a trooper, and remained there for the rest of the night, dutifully belting out every lyric along with the band. It was still funny seeing her physically recoil with disgust every time she got slammed into the back of particularly sweaty shirtless guy in front of her. 

The band was lapping it up, welcoming the chaos. Cresswell glistened the entire time, dripping wet like a salamander. He kept calling for the venue to put the heaters on, laughing at how all the bodies jammed into the venue had turned the space into a sauna. I enjoyed his disarming banter, trying to stoke a rivalry between Wellington and Auckland, or encouraging us to grunt “Ooh!” at him throughout the night, to follow our heart. Jon Darbey on bass had a king-teir beard absolutely deserving of remark. Drummer Paul Ramirez had positioned his cymbals comically high, but his playing could not be questioned, transitioning from no-nonsense beats to lighting-fast fills in a flash. And Scott Brigham brought the riffs.

There was plenty of crowd surfing and carry on like that. One punter stormed the stage to hijack a mic and give a speech, publicly thanking the band for coming all this way. It was sweet at first, but got old quickly. You could see the band were too polite (see: Canadian) to kick him off the stage. But they resumed soon enough anyway.

The Flatliners played fourteen songs, drawing more heavily from most recent album, New Ruin, and 2013’s Dead Language, but they touched on material from early in their career too, aware that most people in the audience had never had the opportunities to see those songs played live. Brigham asked everyone to shout requests all at once, obviously a bit. But I think they did stop and alter the planned set list slightly to accommodate. 

The band acknowledged that it was late, and it was a school night. But they thanked us for making the night special. I know that every band always says they love the audience, wherever they play. But you also know that Canadians are genuine and nice people, so this carried weight. They stayed back after their set to hand out picks, drumsticks, setlists, sign merch and so on, which was really nice to see in this era of bands charging the earth for VIP meet and great packages.

Thanks so much, turn on the heaters, see you again in another 23 years. Ooh!


Written by Joseph James

Thanks to Sticky Fingaz Tour Management

Live Review: distance and Myriad Drone at Valhalla, Wellington

Distance Myriad Drone Poster

distance (NZ) and Myriad Drone (Au)
w/ Spiral & Their Eyes Were Flowers
Valhalla, Wellington
Friday 21 February 2025

Call me hipster, but I’ve been a big fan of distance since before their first release. I remember listening to an advanced copy of their debut EP, over time that Sam Butler sent me and being highly impressed how great he’d managed to make it sound, especially considering how it was essentially a lockdown bedroom album. But then again, I wasn’t surprised. Sam is well known within the music scene. His touches can be widely seen – mixing and recording music, designing posters and album art, filling in on bass and guitar. distance was a project that highlighted just how talented he was.

Since then, Sam has recruited a band of fantastic musicians, released a few albums, and played a bunch of shows. I’ve followed the band with great interest and was delighted when I saw this tour announced.

Myriad Drone have come over from Australia for the tour. They graced our shores last year, coming over as support for Russian Circles. There are a few cool connections between Myriad Drone and distance. Shane from Myriad Drone is from Nelson, as are the members of distance, although none of them live in Nelson these days. Shane used to be in a metal band called Zerstiren, who had a reunion tour late last year. Levi Sheehan – best known for drumming in Organectomy – filled in for Zerstiren for the reunion. And Levi also drums in distance. Levi and Shane got chatting about how they were both in post-rock bands, and next thing you know, they’ve planned a cool tour.


Spiral kicked the night off. They switched between mellow and intense frequently, but keeping the energy high. A lot of midwest emo and post-hardcore influences shone through, and I especially liked the spoken word sections that remind me of La Dispute. 

Next up were Their Eyes Were Flowers. They introduced their music as “pretty little songs” before launching into harsh, chaotic music. The songs had structure, but they seemed messy and partially free flow. I’m not sure about the tunings, but the guitars sounded discordant with jagged riffs. It was a challenging listen. I could see that they were trying to make some kind of artistic statement, but I didn’t like it.

Myriad Drone were up next. I’d bumped into them and had a chat with them on Cuba St shortly before the gig, and they faintly remembered me from having yarns at the Russian Circles show last year. They seemed happy to see me, and were super friendly. And their music was great. They’re about to release a new album, A World Without Us, on March 8th, and we were fortunate enough to get a taste of the new songs. They sounded fantastic. 

I thought it was funny that Shane and Simon wore Russian Circles and Botch t-shirts, respectively – both bands featuring the same bassist, Brian Cook. I thought Hayley was wearing a Nine Inch Nails top at first glance, but upon inspection it turned out to be a NIN x Monty Python parody referencing the Knights who say Ni!

You know that the band should be bringing the goods when they’ve all got in ear monitors and backing tracks, so it was no surprise that Myriad Drone had a full, vibrant sound. I was surprised how transcendent some of the songs sounded, even while Hayley was going nuts on the blastbeats. I loved seeing how Shane and Jacob added their vocals to the mix to create more subtle textures in the music as well. Their set was a real treat to behold.

distance have been around for a few years now, but it feels like they’ve ascended rapidly, garnering international recognition for their quality recordings, and great slots supporting overseas touring artists and NZ festivals. Earlier this month they’d joined God Is An Astronaut on the two NZ legs of their international tour.

distance have freshly been reduced to a core trio, but the three of them collectively create such a lush, dense sound that you’d have no idea that they’re a man down. You can just tell that they know what they’re doing. Toby Leman (best known for his band Hummicide, amongst many others) came on for a guest appearance for roughly half the set, adding his sweet saxophone to the mix. He stood there statuesque, wearing sunglasses and adding a his element aspect to fantastic music. It sounded good, and was somewhat novel because I haven’t come across the use of brass instruments in post-rock music much (The Dark Third, and this Caspian video come to mind, but not much else).

The lights were fairly dim and subdued, and although distance are by no means boring, there was less of a focus on showmanship, and they let the immersive music do the talking. It was primal, captivating. Like Myriad Drone, they still had metal elements like blastbeats and tremolo riffing at times, but it never felt jarring. There’s not much that I find more thrilling than beholding exceptional musicians, masterfully commanding their instruments onstage like this.

Looking around the venue, Valhalla was reasonably full. Everyone else stood entranced. I bet they were all thankful that they’d chosen to spend their Friday night like this.

Tomorrow distance and Myriad Drone play the Paisley Stage in Napier, along with FVKVSHIMA. They’ll then head to the South Island for shows in Christchurch and Nelson next week.

distance and Myriad Drone are playing the following dates:

Friday 21 February Valhalla, Wellington w/ Their Eyes Were Flowers + Spiral

Saturday 22 February Paisley Stage, Napier w/ FVKVSHIMA

Friday 28 February Wunderbar Lyttelton, Christchurch w/ Necropolis + Ragweed

Saturday 1 March Coastal Carnage Festival 

Tickets from UnderTheRadar:–Myriad-Drone-AUS-Aotearoa-Tour-2025-Announced.utr 



Myriad Drone:


Words and photos by Joseph James

Live Review: King Brothers at Valhalla, Wellington

King Brothers Alka Silka Cindy NZ Tour Poster

King Brothers
w/ Alka Silka and Cindy
Valhalla, Wellington
Thursday 13 February 2025

When it comes to crazy rock music, Japan punches well above its weight.

In recent years I’ve seen the likes of Guitar Wolf, Shonen Knife and Otoboke Beaver, but King Brothers are by far the best I’ve seen.

I saw them when they came with The Vottones in 2018 and honestly, that show made a huge impression on me. They came back to NZ in 2023 but didn’t make it to Wellington, and I was busy touring with a band of my own, so I sadly I couldn’t see them. 

But late last year the legend Austin from Your Enabler Presents put the announcement out. King Brothers were coming back! I made sure to purchase a ticket as soon as possible. It’s already an incredibly stacked year for gigs, but this is the one I’ve most been looking forward to.

I arrived at Valhalla a few songs into Cindy’s set. Scott Brown was in The DHDFDs, who played with King Brothers last time I saw them, and have toured with King Brothers extensively. I guess this is his new band – I couldn’t find too much info about either. Cindy was certainly a great way to start the night, with high energy, unfiltered rock music. Seeing a sweaty, topless, heavily tattooed drummer is a great start. Stubbies also add a special je ne sais quoi to the performance. It was frantic, fast paced music with attitude. My favourite part was when the guitarist climbed up to the storage area on the side of stage just to jump back down. It was like Eddie Vedder behaviour, but with vocals that were marginally easier to understand.

Alka Silka were on next. The first thing to note is that their lead instrument was accordion. This gave an odd folk vibe to otherwise raucous punk/rock music. The punk ethos ran strong, with their activism, music and DIY merch. Two members had prominent patches on their clothes decrying the genocide in Palestine. And they had some great quirky merch, with lots of DIY designed shirts, badges, some 7″ records and the like. I had a great time listening to their music. The accordion was interesting, as was the frequent use of cowbell in the drumming. It was almost like circus music with blastbeats. They shared vocal duties, with lots of chanting and shouting. “Okinawa is a small island with a big voice”, they offered, about their homeland. Well the big voice came through loud and clear.

And then we had King Brothers. They brought the drumkit off the riser to the front of stage to be closer to the audience. Will the soundtech was busy putting all the microphones back in place after the move and I mentioned to him that he needn’t stress too much about it because they wouldn’t be staying put. He laughed and nodded, saying he could tell that King Brothers were pretty restrained during soundcheck and he was expecting more, but he had no idea what the full extent would be.

The trio were all dressed in suits. They started off with drums front and centre, and the two guitarists flanking the drums, each standing atop their amps, riffing away before jumping down to commence their set.

Marya on guitar and screams had gaffer tape around his waist in lieu of a belt and his hair had greyed since I last saw him, but his energy hadn’t dissipated one iota. He screamed into the microphone before throwing it into the audience. He’d beckon and signal that he needed it back, before immediately throwing it back out. It was we were playing fetch with him. Audience members would take turns screaming into the mic as well, but I wonder if they were happy about it when Marya began licking and slobbering on it, putting it into his mouth. He also picked his nose and ate it to continue the gross-out tactics. The other two musicians were just as intense in their playing, but Marya was the star. 

Roughly half way through the set they dismantled the drumset and reassembled it in the middle of the audience. They signaled to Will to turn off the stagelights, relying solely on a worklight they’d stuck on a mic stand for illumination. Well that, and a dozen or so phone lights. It was such a spectacle, everyone needed to film some of it. It was almost too wild to believe. Marya beckoned us closer before pouncing, and began to crowd surf around, doing arial donuts around his bandmates who were now performing in the middle of the room.

It was an incredible night. Three amazing acts that all had their own flavour, but delivered memorable sets full of crazed energy. I highly recommend getting along to a show if you get the chance.

King Brothers are playing the following dates in NZ:

Thursday 13th February – Valhalla, Wellington
Friday 14th February – Double Whammy, Auckland
Saturday 15th February – Palace Tavern, Tauranga
Sunday 16th February – Harbour View Hotel, Raglan




Words and photos by Joseph James

Live Review: Shihad at Trafalgar Centre, Nelson



LOUD FOREVER final tour

w/ Con Carne, Mim Jensen

Trafalgar Centre, Nelson

Friday 7 February 2025


I still remember the first time I saw Shihad play.

I’d missed out a few times when I was younger, because the venues were R18. I recall Shihad and The Datsuns played a double bill at Riwaka Hotel, just out of Nelson. My dad went with his mate Mo, but I couldn’t go because I was underage. The injustice!

So I jumped at the chance when Shihad played the inaugural Homegrown festival in Wellington. Many Wellingtonians I’ve spoken to lamented this new festival, saying it replaced the vastly superior X*Air, but I was hyped. There were a bunch of bands that I wanted to see, and under 18s could go. From memory, the ticket price was roughly $60. A small group of us – four schoolfriends – took the ferry across to Wellington for the weekend.

Shihad were the headliners for the rock stage. They had just released their album Beautiful Machine. I had preordered it and been sent a comically oversized XL t-shirt with the album that looked like a tent on my runty teenage frame. But I wore it with great excitement, and finally I managed to see Shihad for the first time. They made a hell of an impression.

I made a point of seeing Shihad every time I could from then on. I moved to Wellington after highschool, which made this easier. A handful of times at Homegrown – the lineup never appeared to change much. I managed to see them twice at Riwaka during Christmas breaks – which made me feel redeemed somehow, seeing how I missed opportunities to see bands play there when I was younger. I even wrote a review that Rip It Up Magazine posted on their website, which was a big deal for me. I saw them open for AC/DC. I even saw them play at their old highschool.

The gigs that felt most special are when they played their albums Killjoy and The General Electric in full at San Francisco Bathhouse. I also saw them play TGE the following year at Big Day Out festival (probably my highlight of the day – I was pretty soggy and exhausted by the time Tool came on), and they played their debut album Churn at the Auckland Town Hall in 2023. I think I’d seen them play 20 times before tonight. The only bands I’ve seen play more times are ones I’ve toured with.

I’ve always featured them pretty prominently on this site. The first album reviews I wrote when I started Will Not Fade were of a maybeshewill record and Shihad’s FVEY. I also reviewed their most recent, Old Gods, and have written about gigs I’ve seen them play a handful of times.

Late last year Shihad announced their final tour. Touring requires a lot of time away from their families and priorities had shifted over the years. They’d barely played in support of their latest album and had decided to call it a day, rather than half-arsing it. I had noted that they’d slowed down and weren’t playing as frequently, but that was a reality for many bands because of the pandemic, so the news came as a shock.

Money has been tight recently, but I’ll be damned if I’m missing their final tour. I decided the Wellington show was not the appropriate send off. Homegrown is sponsored by alcohol companies and it’s always plagued by annoying drunks who are legless not long after midday. There are annoying drunks at most gigs, but when an event like a festival lasts longer than a standard gig, things can get a lot messier. Outdoor stages can be fickle in terms of acoustics. It seemed like a disservice to their hometown fans, choosing to end things at a festival. I want to see the band do their own thing, unconstrained by festival slots. And I think most people would agree. Festivals are cool for seeing a variety of acts and can be good value in that sense, but if you care about a band, you’d prefer to see them play a stand-alone show.

Napier was an attractive option – with one of my favourite bands Jakob opening. But I opted for Nelson. This way I could make the most of Waitangi Day and spend some time with my family.

I probably hadn’t been in the Trafalgar Centre for close on 15 years, but upon entering I was taken back to Smokefree Rockquest. I remember playing on that same stage with my friends in sixth form, and how it was such an amazing experience playing to so many people in a huge space with a big PA. The space felt pretty amazing tonight too. They’d installed temporary carpeting and curtains and brought some bleachers in at the rear. The sound was better than I’d anticipated (Dad had told me that last time Shihad played Trafalgar Centre they’d played the Victory Room because it offered better acoustics than the main hall), and the lighting was fantastic. The room felt full but not too cramped.

In the past, Shihad have often had Black Sabbath’s “War Pigs” play just before coming onstage. I was surprised that this wasn’t the case tonight, with some kind of fanfare playing instead. They gave a wave before launching into the blistering “Tear Down Those Names”, from their latest album Old Gods.

This is the final tour, so the band knew they had to cover the bases. They worked through their catalogue in reverse order, playing at least a few songs from every album. They’ve been doing this for years now so I’ve come to expect it and it made the setlist somewhat predictable, but there were some treats thrown in there.

Shihad are rooted in metal and rock, so we could rely on them to deliver some songs with mean riffs. From “You Again” to “Empty Shell”, they always bring the energy. “Alive” felt a bit messy but they kept it together.

I wasn’t in the best frame of mind when I reviewed Old Gods, and probably came across jaded and defeatist when looking at the state of affairs they were tackling in the subject matter. But somehow things just feel more and more dire with time, and I appreciate seeing that these men in their 50’s are still using their platform to unify their fans and stand up against injustices. They still have that fire in their bellies and brought the ferocity with songs such as “My Mind’s Sedate” and “Think You’re So Free”. It was weird seeing a National Party MP standing in front of me singing the lyrics ‘when do you think we’ll wake up?’ to a song that was written about how his government was selling our country down the river.

But they’ve written a lot of songs in an array of styles over their 36 year career, so it wasn’t all piss and vinegar. We had some some tender moments, like “Pacifier” and “Feel The Fire”, and some fun pop numbers like “One Will Hear The Other”. I’d never previously noticed guitarist Phil Knight playing synth on songs like “Ignite” and “Deb’s Night Out”.

I remember that Beautiful Machine era, the band went through a image rebrand of sorts, getting haircuts, wearing button-up black shirts and looking more clean cut than in the past. They’ve stuck to this look for the most part, but bassist Karl Kippenberger and frontman Jon Toogood both had long hair and facial hair again. Toogood laughed about how surprising it was that he could still grow long hair like that, at 53 years old.

One of the things that make Shihad stand out as a live band is that they’ve written songs specifically to be played live. They worked out the tempos that people want to move to, the choruses that people want to sing to. I highly recommend the Studio Stories podcast, especially the two episodes that explore Shihad’s process of writing and recording The General Electric. (There’s also an episode about Killjoy). They would have written the “Sleepeater” bassline for people to bounce along to, and “Pacifier” would have been written to entice people to hold lighters in the air for the ballad (or phone lights, in this modern era).

They played a few tracks from the Pacifier record. It was maligned at the time because of its commercial nature and because Shihad had changed their name to appeal to the American market. But I always loves the album and those songs stand strong. Toogood noted that “Everything” sounded fantastic. His comment sounded tinged with regret that they’d never given that song the attention it deserved, and the realisation that they won’t have the opportunity to remedy that now that the band is coming to an end. Toogood also revealed that drummer Tom Larkin had written the riff to “Semi-Normal”, from the same album.

I mentioned that Shihad sets have become a bit predictable. They’ll almost always play the expected hits. But now and again they’ll throw in a deeper cut to keep the diehards happy, like the aformentioned “Everything”. Shihad fans can be extremely loyal and I expect many will be travelling to multiple final gigs, so the band have tried to mix up the sets somewhat. Toogood mentioned that they’d played eight songs in Nelson that they hadn’t played elsewhere on the farewell tour.

“Ghost from the Past” sounded fantastic – a song I hadn’t heard them play much. I could see that some people were fizzing about “Empty Shell” as well.

They finished their set with a blistering version of “Screwtop” from their first album, Churn, and then we were left wondering what would come next. A cut from Devolve, their first EP? “Home Again” was a given. “Run” was likely. I expected “Cheap As” – Toogood always mentioned how it was his favourite Shihad riff when they played it.

As expected, for the encore they came back with the anthemic “Run”. It sounded huge. This was followed by an even bigger singalong: a cover of Split Enz’s “I Got You”. I hadn’t actually thought of that one because it’s not on a Shihad album. They played another Churn track, “Derail” before ending with the obligatory “Home Again”. There was no other way to end it. It’s the alternative national anthem, alongside Dobbyn’s “Loyal”. Shihad have many, many jewels in their repertoire, but “Home Again” is the defining Shihad song.

I’m sad that Shihad are calling it a day. There’s a reason I’ve made a point of seeing them play so many times over the years: because they’re bloody good. And even though I’ve come to know what to expect for the most part, their shows always feel vital. Every time I hear them sing ‘Doesn’t it feel good just to be alive?’ from their song “The General Electric” I have to appreciate how true that line feels in the moment. They’ve chosen to end on a high, and I respect their decision. They did a damn fine job of summing up their career tonight, and I’m glad that I was there to help say farewell.


Joseph James

Album Review: sleepmakeswaves – It’s Here, But I Have No Names For It

sleepmakeswaves It’s Here, But I Have No Names For It album cover

sleepmakeswaves are the following:

  • Fun

  • Energetic

  • Excellent riffs

  • One of my favourite post-rock bands

  • Absolutely awesome

  • Hot, cool and sexy

sleepmakeswaves Monolith Melbourne by Will Not Fade

I’ve seen sleepmakeswaves play twice. The first time was at San Fran, a local venue here in Wellington. They were opening for This Will Destroy You, and were incredible and definitely made TWDY look lame by comparison. The next time was in Melbourne, at Monolith Festival. Monolith was an awesome day featuring a unbelievably stacked lineup of Australian post and prog bands, and sleepmakeswaves played a stand out set that made me feel so giddy and happy that I think they should look at somehow packaging their music in pill form to be used as antidepressants. 

I will be seeing them play in Belgium at dunk!festival this coming May as well and they are the band I am most excited to see.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

I reviewed their album Made of Breath Only back in 2017. I loved it, of course. Since then sleepmakeswaves have released an ambitious 3 EP trilogy, a live album, and a split 7″ with Cog [Another fantastic Australian band. They also played the aforementioned Monolith Festival, and I’ve written about one of their side projects – The Occupants]. And now they’re treating us to a new record: It’s Here, But I Have No Names For It.

What a beautifully meta title. It’s basically called Untitled, but in the spirit of ridiculous long run-on names that are somewhat common in the post-rock scene [other examples: maybeshewill, 65daysofstatic, worriedaboutsatan]. I see other glimpses into their sense of humour when watching their Metallica cover [shaving a chopper mo just for the video is definite commitment to the bit!] and their 8bit computer game promo video for this album, and I get the impression that these lads would be great to hang out with.

Let’s engage in an imagination exercise. Picture me pressing play on this record. I’m listening to an advanced digital download, but it’s cooler if you picture me placing the needle onto the groove of the record while it spins on the turntable. Probably a splattery green pressing, to match the album art. It doesn’t matter – this is an imagined scenario anyway.

Cue fuzzy droning, a cool metallic metronome, a wicked drum beat, and a big build up. My face lights up more and more with each addition. There’s a pause, and then a huge bombastic drum fill. Suddenly I’m jumping around the room, playing air-drums, with a big pulsing quarter notes on the crash cymbal, whilst simultaneously wielding a sick air guitar and shredding. I’m full stank face mode, and we’re only a minute into the album.

Let that visual inform you of the tone of this review. sleepmakeswaves make me so excited and I need everyone to know about it. 

Lead single “Super Realm Park” is big, energetic and driving.  It has loud parts and quiet dynamic sections. There’s some glitchy electronic elements at times, and lots of tremolo playing. It finishes with a lovely piano outro. It showcases exactly what sleepmakeswaves are capable of. 

Here’s an extract from the press release for the second single, “Ritual Control”:

The band comments: “Ritual Control was originally demoed as Dr. Riff Has Arrived. I still wonder whether we were mistaken to have not kept the old title.

Otto originally presented the skeleton of the song to us with the concern that maybe the riff were “too dumb”. In fact, Tim and I responded, they are the perfect quantity of dumb. Sure, these riffs aren’t going to earn a PhD but they will hold down a full-time job, get the kids to school on time and read the occasional piece of challenging non-fiction on weekends. These kinds of courageous and heartfelt conversations are the core of what effective post-rock songwriting is all about.

Big dumb riffs. That’s what we want. Why think when you can headbang? Local doomlords Beastwars have the slogan “Obey the Riff”, which is both marketing genius and an apt phrase, and summarises exactly the feeling I’m trying to convey. Most sleepmakeswaves songs are instrumental. We don’t need to get caught up pondering meaning and . Dumb riffs = good music. Also, Soundgarden have a song entitled “Big Dumb Sex”. Not sure how that’s relevant but I feel it supports my case somehow. 

I’m not sure which riff in “Ritual Control” riff is the “dumb riff” in question, but there’s a great part at 2:30 where everything drops out, and an extremely raunchy riff comes centrestage, and I must draw your attention to that part of the song. 

sleepmakeswaves Monolith Melbourne by Will Not Fade

The album starts of extremely strong, and you definitely know about this. Things shift gear down from such bombastic heights and begin to take a turn with the fourth track, “Black Paradise”, which features quiet guitar picking for the first half, followed by pretty synth drone and guitar swells in the following song, “Verdigris”.

Two songs features ethereal vocals, which is a point of difference for an instrumental band. We hear singing on “Terror Future” – with its especially outstanding basslines, and also on the titular track.

“It’s Here, But I Have No Names For It” is truly beautiful. The serene fingerpicking and searing yet calm guitar playing reminds me of Dan Caine’s work. It builds up with an anthemic rock feel, but there’s something special about this track that sets it apart from the others. It feels more considered and emotive, and somehow befitting of it’s name. To quote the band again: “The title is a line from zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, about not needing to find words for everything all the time.” I can’t explain it, but I somehow understand how fitting that is when I hear the song.

sleepmakeswaves Monolith Melbourne by Will Not Fade

This is what I wanted. This is what I needed. sleepmakeswaves delivers, yet again. It’s Here, But I Have No Names For It sounds simply huge. The album feels short, but it packs such a punch that perhaps more music would cause fatigue. It is an album of two halves. The immense, high energy rock songs at the start of the album are incredible and fill me with such incredible joy and excitement. And then the later half of the album features a few quieter tracks to show that sleepmakeswaves aren’t just a one-trick-pony. But trust me, it’s all fantastic. Or maybe don’t trust me – I’ve painted a picture of a madman when describing my reactions to sleepmakeswaves’ music. – but at least check out this excellent album.

sleepmakeswaves have Australian, American and European tours lined up to promote this album. They are playing alongside their countryfolk Meniscus and Tangled Thoughts of Leaving, as well as Taiwanese math-rockers Elephant Gym. I encourage you to attend one of those shows if you get the opportunity. As I mentioned earlier, I will be seeing them at dunk!festival in Belgium, and I am fizzing with excitement for it. 

It’s Here, But I Have No Names For It will be released on 12 April 2024


sleepmakeswaves links:


Review and photos by Joseph James