George Will Links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/georgewillmusic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeorgeWillMusic
Joseph James
Album Review: We Deserve This – Smile
StandardJan Platek is a busy man.
I subscribed to his We Deserve This Bandcamp page last year, which gave me access to hundreds of recordings and releases – a veritable treasure trove of post-rock music waiting to be listened to. But Platek decided that these offerings were not enough. The people need more! So he created another project, going by his own name. And as if the two solo projects on Bandcamp weren’t adequate, he also releases an album through Fluttery Records from time to time.
I have over 14 hours worth of his material on my computer. Just let that sink in… He has recorded and released over 14 hours worth of material over a four-year period. And that isn’t counting side projects.
Like I said: Jan Platek is a busy man.
Smile is his latest release, out via Fluttery Records on February 24.
So how does Smile weigh up compared to the rest of his output?
Well, it’s good. It’s very recognisably a We Deserve This release. You know – brilliant post-rock that treads a balance so well between being heavy and ambient. You can rock out to it by blasting it loudly from your stereo, but could just as easily use it as relaxing background music. The album description blurb lists influences from both 90’s rock music and post-rock and post-metal genres.
It is evident that Smile had a lot of time invested into it. There are many layers and textures and melodies all linked in so masterfully. This doesn’t sound exceptional, but bear in mind that this isn’t something that just came out of the woodwork at band practice. Platek recorded this all himself, so would have spent countless hours working on each song until he felt it was perfect.
I have to award bonus marks for talent. I love how modern technology has enabled so many musicians to become the new Mike Oldfield by releasing music that they have single-handedly recorded all the instruments on. [For other examples see: Cloudkicker, Lights & Motion, Oscillate, Barouche, 10 Waves of You, Gregory Tan]. Platek’s grandfather was a music teacher, which gave Platek a good grounding with a variety of instruments. This formative education, combined with a love of music and a drive to constantly push his creative tendencies has helped Platek to refine his craft. And did I mention that he’s prolific? When you have this much practice then your music better be damn good!
To be honest, I don’t think I can rank this against other We Deserve This releases. This is not a criticism of Smile, but more of a reflection of how well I know the We Deserve This catalogue. I think you’ll forgive me for confessing that it’s hard to get to know 14 hours worth of material. I guess the risk with being so prolific is that each release struggles to stand out from within the pool of other material.
Platek loves to release singles and EP’s, so this release is uncommon for him, ringing in at 27 minutes over six tracks. So that’s one thing that Smile boasts to stand out from the rest of the collection: it’s a cohesive album that lasts long enough to sink your teeth into.
If you’re unfamiliar with We Deserve This, then you may as well use Smile as a start point. And once you’ve digested that, than you’re ready to spend a very long time discovering a lot more where that came from.
You can buy Smile from Fluttery Records here: https://we-deserve-this.bandcamp.com/releases
We Deserve This links:
Bandcamp: https://wedeservethis.bandcamp.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wedeservethisband/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wdtband
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/we-deserve-this
Tumblr: http://wedeservethis.tumblr.com/
Jan-Dirk Platek Bandcamp (side-project): https://jan-dirkplatek.bandcamp.com/releases
Joseph James
Album Review: Floating In Space – The Edge Of The Light
There is little wonder that Ruben Caballero approached niche record label Deep Elm when he was looking for someone to release his début album, The Edge of Light. Deep Elm have switched their core focus from emo to cinematic post-rock in recent years, and Caballero’s project, Floating In Space, fits within this new vision beautifully.
Deep Elm have always been staunchly independent. In recent years they have adopted a brave strategy and made the move to Bandcamp, offering their entire catalogue up for pay-what-you-want. Obviously this does not make great business sense to offer your product up for potentially no return. The label still managed to make money however, by licensing their music for film soundtracks and advertisements.
Similar to other Deep Elm poster boys like Lights & Motion/Christoffer Franzen, Moonlit Sailor and Dorena, Floating In Space offers an inviting musical soundscape to whisk you away into places far away. The songs stand alone as strong releases, but also offer the potential to soundtrack a big screen blockbuster.
Caballero explores dichotomies with his music, stating “Through my songs, I try to show my vision of a world where light and shadows, calm and fears, solitude and togetherness meet in the vastness of space.” Hence the chosen title for this musical outlet: Floating In Space.
He also comments on the cinematic nature of the music: “There are two things that never cease to inspire me when I look through my window: the sea and the sky. I see all vital experiences, dreams and fears more clearly when taking a night walk along the coastline. Those walks inspire me to describe my feelings through music. So I’ve created an album that I would want to listen to, as if my experiences and feelings were sequences of a movie with my music as the soundtrack””
One setback is that The Edge of Light sounds more like a collection of cinematic snippets than a cohesive album. Unlike most post-rock/ambient projects, the tracks found here never extend far past standard single duration, with longest song ‘Redshift’ clocking in at just shy of four minutes long. This is not to say that brevity is a bad thing, but more a suggestion that some of the tracks could have been pushed further and extended upon.
Sure enough, The Edge of Light spans the emotional spectrum, visiting moods and feelings with lush instrumentation. It really is a ride, ranging from intimate delicacy to intense urgency. One can hear the time and passion Caballero has invested into this project when we unfold the layers and notice each subtle component.
If cinematic music takes your fancy, then let Floating In Space take you on an expansive journey through time, space and emotion.
Floating In Space Links
Bandcamp: http://deepelmdigital.com/album/the-edge-of-the-light
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/floatinginspacemusic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/floating_music
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/floatinginspace_official/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/floatinginspacemusic
Joseph James
Hemispheres – A Free Post-Rock Compilation From A Thousand Arms
A Thousand Arms have released another great new free post-rock compilation Hemispheres, to follow on from the awesome Open Language compilation released last year.
Open Language was split into two parts, with Side A representing American acts, and Side B featuring international artists.
Hemispheres follows this theme, with Side A representing the Northern Hemisphere, and Side B representing the Southern Hemisphere.
I’m quite excited to see a few New Zealand acts represented on Side B (Kerretta, Sora Shima and Into Orbit). Not a bad selection to showcase our homegrown talent to the rest of the world!
Here’s the track listing:
Side A: Northern Hemisphere
Old Solar – Summer Solstice
RLYR – Slipstream Summer
Au Revoir – Reverie
Eupana – The Night the Stars Fell
The Great Cold – EOS
Malämmar – I
Of the Vine – I’m Morrissey, I’m Dead.
Spurv – Passacaglia (fugler med ord i nebbet)
Sleeping Bear – Emerged
Mountain – Mondo Kane
Glories – Bravo Sierra
Ranges – Kingdom
Caspian – Sad Heart of Mine
Appalaches – Milsai
Build and Release – St Helen pt. 2
Meniscus – Overhang
Antorchas – Stalingrado Fosa Comun
Hélices – BrvdxTripp
Kjjjjjjjjj – Grrrrrrrrr
Kerretta – Ossein Trail
Under The Big Bright Yellow Sun – BERTAHAN *Angelic Version (Jeruji Cover)
Mesozoic – The Turtle
El lenguaje como obstáculo – Adonis Minos
Hashshashin – Levitation
Fourteen Nights At Sea – No Capital
Sora Shima – And Behold a Pale Horse
We Set Sail – Forgotten Shores
Kalouv – Da Bravura, Inocência
Into Orbit – Unearthing
Hello Porkins – Melon Felon
blienvesne – Definitivamente ellos no son los dueños del viento
Bear the Mammoth – Molly
CJ and David have once again outdone themselves with this collection. 36 great tracks from all over the world, lovingly chosen and presented in a great wee package.
So head along to https://athousandarms.bandcamp.com/ to download Hemispheres and discover your next favourite new band!
Joseph James
Live Review: Tortoise at San Fran, Wellington
w/ fFolks and Hiboux
San Fran, Wellington
Saturday 3 December 2016
I arrived at San Fran just in time for local act Hiboux, who set the mood beautifully for Tortoise. The five piece act played mesmerising rock music that had me moving, and even had a camera crew documenting their set (which didn’t help my confidence when taking photos – my entire camera is only a third of the size of many of the other photographers’ lenses!) I loved the atmosphere that they created, and bonus points for including saxophone in a few songs.

Hiboux. Bern Stock (L) and Lester Litchfield (R)
Watching roadies set the stage for Tortoise was an interesting affair. They carried item after item onstage and arranged the instruments accordingly. I was excited to see two drum kits facing each other at the front of stage. Funnily enough the kits were different brands (Pearl and Sonar). Does that mean the band has two different endorsements with drum companies? A a large vibrophone sat on the right of stage, and on the other end of the stage sat something that looked like a trigger pad crossed with a piano.Selections of guitars and basses stood in formation along rear, and a number of synths, sequencers and other electronic things sporting dials filled the spaces left.
Tortoise boasted some very talented players. And not only was each muso talented, but they all took turns playing different instruments, like Sufjan Stevens’ band. I wonder what this looks like at band practice when they are writing new material? How do they decide who plays what for each song when they don’t have set defined roles?
I think I figured out the answer to this from observing the band play. For the most part, the Santa-looking Doug McCombs ties the songs together with his bass guitar, while Jeff Parker sets the melody on guitar. This leaves the three other members free to share their time between percussion and synths.
I am a drummer myself, and I loved being able to see two drummers playing off from each other right at the front of the stage, rather than having someone hidden away at the back in the shadows like we usually see. I remember being captivated by Genesis DVDs as a teenager, watching Phil Collins and Chester Thompson become one when both sat down behind their kits. I’ve seen a number of bands use two drummers in the past (Bon Iver, Death Cab For Cutie, Shihad, Incubus and The Roots spring to mind) but never in a revolving sense like Tortoise.
John McEntire is the groove master, sitting in the pocket and playing incredibly tight, uncomplicated beats, using the butt of the sticks on the snare. He takes the throne when the song needs something simple to lock in with McCombs. He also grimaces and looks like he is in pain while he plays. John Herndon, however, doesn’t merely play the drums, he beats them into submission. He is the monster, unleashing his frenetic energy to add busy percussive flavour to the mix. Dan Bitney sits in the middle, complementing everyone as drum duets form. He adds those extra elements that one drummer cannot offer with four limbs alone.
Tortoise play exciting music. Exciting because of how interesting and experimental it is. Gone is the verse-chorus-bridge type structure that we are accustomed to. Gone are the vocals. Why have a singer when you can have three drummers and vibes? Songs grew and layered in ways that are unique even within post-rock circles, with subtle frequencies taking turns to flash themselves at us.
It was a marvel to watch interactions between band members. Two drummers would become one, with bass slotting in perfectly. Members would casually move around the stage, playing a game of musical chairs. I would watch how they split their time. Someone would adjust a dial and set the right effects, then add some colour using mallets on the vibes, then shake a tambourine or shakers, and finish off strumming on a guitar. And that’s all within one song!
- Set list
- Odd socks
Tortoise are stunning. Visually, they put on a brilliant show. Not because of lights and screens – but because of how they arrange the stage and share responsibilities. And musically, they create sounds that are so unconventional and intriguing that one cannot help but listen with amazement. I caught myself grinning many times throughout the set. Grinning at the sheer… weirdness… talent… brilliance…? I’m not sure what exactly, but I cannot recommend seeing Tortoise highly enough.
All photos and words by Joseph James